Embed videos using the new video player

You can incorporate the videos with ease using our updated video player. Simply update the domain name in the Iframe source URL from videos.dyntube.com to player.dyntube.com.

To illustrate, here's the current embedding code:

<!-- No changes to style tag -->
<!-- Change Iframe src tag -->
<div class="dyntube-iframe-container"> <
iframe class="dyntube-responsive-iframe" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen 
src="https://videos.dyntube.com/iframes/kt0q5A6uFQ" title="Caminandes">

It will change to:

<!-- No changes to style tag -->
<!-- Change Iframe src tag -->
<div class="dyntube-iframe-container"> <
iframe class="dyntube-responsive-iframe" allow="autoplay; fullscreen" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen 
src="https://player.dyntube.com/iframes/kt0q5A6uFQ" title="Caminandes">

You have the option to update the private links for your current videos to incorporate the new video player. Likewise, the domain name will transition from videos.dyntube.com to player.dyntube.com. Consequently, a video link will transform as follows.

Current Link:


New Link:


If you require the dynamic creation of the Iframe URL for the new player through programming languages, you can utilize the "IframeLink" field provided upon fetching the video via the API.


Last updated