How To Create Plans & Subscriptions

This is a guide to teach you how you can create video plans and subscriptions for those plans. The basic concept about plans and member is that you create plans with one or more videos/channels. Plans could be temporary or permanent.

Plans can be assigned to members. A temporary plan will expire after its duration whereas the permanent plan will be asssigned to the member until the member is deleted.

In order to create plans and subscriptions for videos, please have a look at the link below "How to add login protection on my videos".

How to Add Login Protection on My Videos

Create Plans and Subscriptions for Video Channels

Part 1. Watch the Video

You can either watch this video or follow the guide below.

Part 2. Guide To Create Plans and Subscriptions

Enable video authentication before a video can be used in a plan. This can be done by clicking on a video name inside a project. You will see a page like the following.

Enable Channel Authentication

Enable channel authentication before a channel can be used in a plan. This can be done by clicking on a channel name. You will see a page like the following.


To create a plan just go into "Subscriptions" menu and click on plans. Then click on "ADD NEW PLAN" button. You can select the plan type and video/channels to be included in the plan.


A member needs to be created before we could assign any plans. Go into the "Subscriptions" menu and click on Members and then click on the button "ADD NEW MEMBER".

Member Subscriptions

Once a member is created, click on the member name to assign subscriptions.


Once you save all changes, it may take 2 to 3 minutes to take effect. We use caching to deliver content faster and it can take a couple of minutes to clear the cache.

Last updated